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What is "RIGHT" and "GOOD" about Texas Public Schools!

In this recent article, Ray DeSpain, Ed.D., Giddings ISD superintendent, shares his perspective on the challenges and successes within Texas public schools. He emphasizes the importance of promoting what is right and good in education and calls for a shift in focus from negativity to celebrating the remarkable achievements of students and educators across the state.
People too often tend to look only at the negative aspects of life and, at times, of public education. As school accountability and funding court cases continue and the next Texas Legislature session approaches, I feel it is important for a person in a position of authority like mine to promote what is RIGHT and what is GOOD about our local and state public schools by sharing FACTS with the public. I look at what needs to be done as “Changing the Negative Narrative” and instead choose to “Accentuate the Positive.”
Across the state:
High school four-year graduation rates continue to climb, with economically disadvantaged students achieving the highest graduation rate in the U.S. compared to national peers.
Longevity studies show that Texas students significantly outscore their peers nationally on Science and Mathematics tests, with African American students ranking fourth nationally, Hispanic students ranking sixth, and Anglo students ranking eighth.
End-of-Course (Exit Level) passing rates in English Language Arts and Social Studies also continue to rise.
Texas is a leader nationally in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education.
Participation rates on ACT and SATs continue to rise in Texas by all demographic groups.
Great gains have been made over the past several years on College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) by Texas students.
More than 98% of Texas school districts earn passing standards for fiscal responsibility.
Read the August e-newsletter HERE!